The Concept of the Kali Yuga

KALI YUGA The last age. It consists of 1200 years of the gods, a year of men being a day of the gods; these divine years may, therefore, be converted into years of mortals by multiplying them by 360, which makes the duration of the kali Yuga 432,000 years. The date of its commencement is fixed in the thirteenth of fourteenth century B.C., when Vishnu returned to heaven after his incarnation as Krishna. During this age all things will decline, and the deterioration of mankind will be disregarded. The minds of men will be wholly occupied in acquiring wealth; and wealth will be spent solely on selfish gratifications. Women wil folow their inclinations and be fond of pleasure. Men of all degrees will consider themselves equal to brahmans. Cows will be held in esteem only as they supply milk. These are a few of the evils, selected from the long catalogue of them contained in the Vishnu Purana which are to prevail in the Kali age. A few redeeming properties of the age are, however, mentioned. The efficacy of devotion to Vishnu is more strikingly manifested. The least moral merit obtains in this age, the greatest reward; and is by all classes most easily displayed. The Kali Yuga is to be followed by the Krita Yuga.
