“It was a really good experience for me in the Dutch Open. One of the biggest wins of the year was the Asian Junior Championships. And being Asia’s No 1 is a really big thing in India, Dipika says.
She played her first international tournament in London when she was in her sixth grade, and till date, Dipika has won the German Open, Dutch Open, French Open, Australian Open, Scottish Open on the European Junior Squash Circuit.
Dipika is being sponsored by the L.N. Mittal Trust. Dipika trains at the ICL-TNSRA Academy at Chennai under Cyrus Poncha and Major(Rtd) S. Maniam.
She is also into modeling and has signed a contract with Globus Ltd. She has appeared in an ad for the Sri Lankan company Ole (a branch of Coca Cola) which was splashed all over Sri Lanka a few months ago.
She is currently training in Egypt and is grooming herself to become the best squash player in the country.

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