CATSEYE (Lahsuniya)

This protects its wearer from hidden enemies, mysterious dangers and diseases. It is normally milky in colour. The gem is very hot in nature. In the event that it does not suit the wearer, the gem sometimes gives immediate signals like uneasiness, restlessness etc.

Cat's Eye is supposed to counter the evil effects of Ketu and diseases caused by Mars. It may prevent unexpected mishaps of life, curing mania, paralysis etc. It protects the wearer from accidents and secret enemies. For businessmen, it is a miraculous result-giving stone, bestowing wealth by secret means like horse racing, gambling, stock exchange market and speculations. It also protects from drowning, intoxication, and Government punishment. It is said to bring fortunes to those who gamble (horse racing, casinos) .

It should be worn in gold on 2nd finger or 3rd finger of right hand.
